Digital Yacht NavAlert – NMEA 2000 Monitor & Alert System


NavAlert is an alert, alarm and monitoring system for any NMEA 2000 network with custom anchor and collision alarms and SMS interface to Digital Yacht’s 4G Xtream product.  Set navigation, engine, electrical alerts for any parameter available on the NMEA 2000 network.  Pop up alarms on Garmin MFDs too.

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  • Universal NMEA 2000 alarm and monitoring solution
  • Set a configurable audio and visual alarm for any parameter on the NMEA 2000 network – for instance: shallow depth, low fuel level, off course, engine temp, tank levels, low voltage etc
  • Relay the alert via the NMEA 2000 bus to a Garmin multi function display to deliver a popup alarm window
  • SMS alerting through Digital Yacht’s 4G Xtream system to a mobile – ideal for remote monitoring of the boat.
  • Built in unique anchor drift alarm
  • Built in AIS collision avoidance alarm
  • Wifi interface for set up and alerting using any phone or tablet with a browser

NavAlert is Digital Yacht’s latest innovation and allows an alarm to be set for any parameter that’s available on the boat’s NMEA 2000 network. That could be navigation data such as depth, heading or speed, electrical data such as voltage and engine/generator data including temperature, pressure, tank levels, fuel flow etc.

It connects anywhere on the NMEA 2000 network and also takes power from this connection so installation is super simple. A local WiFi network is created by NavAlert so setup is possible via any smart phone, tablet or PC. Simply choose the parameter you want to monitor and set an alarm level. Multiple parameters can be monitored.

Operation is simple.  Simply search for the wifi network that NavAlert creates and connect via a smart phone or tablet.  Open a browser and connect to NavAlert and you’re presented with a clear graphical interface allowing easy setup, configuration and viewing of the alerts and network data. NavAlert constantly monitors the whole network so alert parameters can be set for any variable.

Integrated into NavAlert is a custom alarm for anchor drift using an algorithm to calculate the optimum drift radius based on depth and the scope of the chain for reliable notifications. There’s also an anti collision alarm based on CPA (closest point of approach) and TCPA (time to closest point of approach) AIS data from a connected AIS. These alerts can also be monitored through the wireless interface with attractive graphical displays of current status.

Alarms can also generate an SMS message which can be relayed through Digital Yacht’s 4GXtream internet connectivity solution allowing remote monitoring – great for feeling secure that the anchor is holding well when enjoying a lunch ashore. Alarms are independent of any alarms set on a plotter allowing NavAlert to operate even without a primary multi function display being powered up – an important feature for power limited sail boats.

NavAlert is universal, using the industry standard NMEA 2000 data protocol so will integrate with all leading brands and systems.

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Weight1.000000 kg

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